Thursday, July 16, 2009

Check out the squid.

Just thought I'd go ahead and post about our Squidoo Lens. This lens is kind of our personal journey in Network Marketing. It will change and Morph as we go along so keep checking back we'll be posting often. Here is the Link.

Feel Free to have fun and post over there too. Thanks everyone.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Who the heck am I to think I can be rich!!!

Negative self talk. We are programmed from birth that money is evil and the rich are snob. We don't want to be rich because then we'd be part of that crowd. I was on a training call today with Michael Dlouhy, talking about chapter 4 of the Napoleon Hill book "Think and Grow Rich". You know it's amazing what we will allow our sub-conscious to control. The one part of our mind that is non-thinking we let run our life. We watch movies and cry when the hero dies, knowing that it was just an actor in a totally made up story. Why?? Crying at a movie isn't a bad thing, but letting our sub-conscious defeat us before we ever begin, is.
The interesting thing is our conscious mind controls our sub-conscious, so why do we have so much trouble influencing our sub-conscious? It's simple, we've been doing it to ourselves for years. It will take positive self talk on a daily basis to change our habits. You need to create a positive statement like "I will create a Network Marketing business that generates X amount of dollars, and I will build it with the highest retention ever through training and education." Make you mind believe it. If the dollar amount is too high that you can't conceive doing it lower the dollar amount and when you get there, up it.
Once you get the statement to resonate say it constantly in your mind. You must realize that you are worthy of having more and you deserve it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Great Training for Anyone in Network Marketing.

If you do nothing else read this book. I just finished reading "Success in 10 Steps", by Michael Dlouhy. Now before you say it's a scam, I don't just throw out junk information, never have. Most Network Marketers get into the business and they are trained to be salesmen/women of the product, and try to convince people that the compensation is great and you'll retire in 3 months. It's all Crap. We are not selling a product or a business we are selling ourselves and what we bring to the table. Man it drives me nuts when people throw their opportunity at me without even introducing themselves at least. Here's a little secret:




What people are really concerned about is will you be there to help them, will you be a mentor.
Ninety Nine percent of all Network Marketing companies will sign you up and give you a crappy power point and a link to spend thousands on other advertising material. They then proceed to "Train" you (Which consists of the compensation plan, and maybe some information on the product). That is not what people care about, or at least it's not on the top of their list. What were you taught about Networking or Marketing from your company that was free. If it wasn't free it's just another way for them to juice you for money. If they're really concerned about your success it will be free or dirt cheap.

People want to know that you will be there and that you know what you are talking about. Be a mentor and your signup's will increase and your retention will sky rocket. I encourage you to read this book. It's free and it will really open your eyes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Facebook Training

If you've ever wondered how to use Social Networking in your business. Listen to this:

It's a start!!!

Hey everyone this is the blog of Kenneth Domke, Network Marketer. I'll try not to mention any names of opportunities, but if I do it's purely accidental and just concentrate on the training. Networking is not an easy business but the work you put into is rewarded much greater than traditional jobs. Where people fail is understanding the timeline. A friend of mine Cody Lytle gave me a little riddle to help people understand Networking. Here it is:

If you had a jar and put a marble in it and doubled it every second and it took 60 seconds to fill the jar, how many seconds did it take to fill it half way up?

Think about it a little bit. When you get the answer, you will understand Network Marketing.