Sunday, January 10, 2010

Are you about to be fired?

What if you worked in the corporate world, and you noticed a lot of people you used to work with got "downsized" out of the company? The might make you a little nervous. Might make you look for Plan B.

Even after Walter & Julie Reade got involved in M-L-M, they had years of failure. Then they managed to turn it all around with the Mentoring For Free system.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Marketing Insanity - A True Case

It's worth your time to take a look at the section on "Marketing Insanity" early in the Success In 10 Steps ebook. One of my team recently spoke with a husband-and-wife on a 3-way call. They're in a company selling water filters. Their basic product is a $4,000 sale.

And then they said, "But you can buy it over time!"

Boy! Hope springs eternal in network marketers, doesn't it? They KNOW they can make this thing work. "Heck, we can buy it over time. This'll work."

So here's the deal, which is what my associate told them:


Are you kidding me? You HAVE to be a salespers0n. You HAVE to be a salesperson to do that. A $4,000 product is a sales business. They can call it netw0rk marketing if they want, but let me ask you a question:

Does your new rep go on autoship for $4,000 a month?

I didn't think so.

Here's what my associate told them:

"Success In 10 Steps is a great tool, but it won't work for you. You can't use this ebook to find people who'll spend $4K. Our system is perfect to build a relationship business, but that's not what you have - you have a SALES business. You need to run ads to find salespeople."

Again, it's a $4,000 product. And THEY bought it, because it's something they really believe in and they wanted. But they are the exception. You need REALLY targeted leads to sell that product. You sure as heck aren't going to buy M-L-M leads and sell any $4,000 water filters. There's no way you can recruit those people, because they won't buy the product.

Friday, January 8, 2010

How to be the Finisher

How many times have you started something only to drop it when the first thing didn't go right? Did you know that people are natural quitters? That's right! They quit their healthy diet, they quit marriages, they quit football teams, they quit bowling teams, they quit jobs, they quit- I think you get the picture.

How can you move from being a quitter to being a finisher?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Treasure On Your Desktop

What I love about the "Success In 10 Steps" ebook is, it brings me warriors.

All told, for me and everybody else who has used it since it first was introduced in 2004, the ebook has had over 120,000 downloads. And more than half those people are what I call Warriors.

They've struggled with M-L-M. They know they can do it and achieve the dream of financial independence, but they just haven't quite got it right yet. They have questions. Michael Dlouhy's story resonates with them. When I call them, they're happy to hear from me, because they just like to talk about this business and understand how to make it work for them.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Mistake MLM Leaders Make

Network marketing hotshots often tell their downlines, "You have to change. You have to get out there and sell. If you want to be successful, you have to change and get good at selling."

The truth is, YOU are perfect just like you are. Everybody on your team is perfect just like they are. They don't need to change. They don't need to become a pushy, aggressive salesperson.

Ninety-two percent of the world's population is sales resistant. You don't like to be sold. You walk into a store, looking for shoes. You want to look around, pick out what YOU want. You don't want some clerk coming around, telling you they have a sale on such & such a shoe. You want to shop & buy what YOU want. Maybe you'll ask for a clerk, once you've decided what you want.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sending money to gurus?

How many gurus are there out there who want you to get coaching from them. You know the ones that charge you all your savings and then promise to show you how to have success. You have to put up the money up front if you want to gain access to the inner circle and secrets to help you develop a system that will allow you to have duplication.

Why do these so called gurus hide the "secrets" they have and guard them so closely? Are these gurus still active in their business testing what works and doesn't work today?

Monday, January 4, 2010

MLM Frustration Causes Success

A big reason for the effectiveness of "Success In 10 Steps" is THAT word. The ebook answers the questions of frustrated network marketers - who REALLY want their questions answered. It's eating away at them, why they just haven't made it big. They are so darned - frustrated!

I recommend you use that word in your advertising for "Success In 10 Steps." Use it when you talk to your leades. Pound, pound, pound on "frustrated." That word is worth its weight in gold.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What causes "overnight success" ?

Have you ever started a job or gone into a new profession without being trained? Did you go down to your local discount store and order a kit to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer? Of course not - to enter those professions, you need specialized knowledge.

What about when you started a job? Did you just walk in off the street and tell them you knew all there was to know about the job and no training would be necessary? I don't think so. According to most Fortune 500 companies, it takes 6 months of being on the job before the company starts to make any money from an employee. Did you read that closely 6 months?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Whose Shoes Are These?

I found this story on the internet and I thought it a good idea to post it here to you.  As we work our business and help our down-lines, ensure that you're not making them duplicate you.  You need a system that they can duplicate, but the way you do it needs to be given to them as "Here's one way to skin a cat", not the only way.  

We need to remember people are people, different lives, amounts of time, motivation levels, etc..  We can try to tweak some of these but the system has to be able to work for everybody.  Just remember after you sign someone up, you got what you got, now you have to help them figure out how THEY can use what THEY got.

Funny how you'd ask a kid today what he/she'd like to be when they grow up and they'd say, 'I want to be like my daddy or like my mummy.'

You ask the same question to teenagers and you'd hear them saying they want to be like R.Kelly or Obama; like Dora Akunyili or Beyonce.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Release the M-L-M Pressure Valve

Many people in M-L-M just don't realize that from the moment they signed up, their only real option was failure - because many network marketing companies are not designed for average people to succeed.

"Success In 10 Steps" opens a big pressure valve and the steam quickly, harmlessly blows off. You realize that it's not your fault.

When you can show a prospect how they got into a position where they could not possibly have been successful, that giant weight lifts off. They realize, "Hey! It really wasn't my fault!"