Saturday, October 3, 2009

Be sure to use critical thinking when choosing your online MLM training source

I like to check out a other online MLM training sources on the internet other than Mentoring for free sometimes just to see what they are saying.  Most of these other training sites have great training on their ideas for advertising.  Some will talk Google adwords, articles, blogs, squidoo, etc.  They do alright at teaching you these types of marketing, but they all seem to push you in one direction that they think is the best.  I'm not sure if that one way of marketing is all they really know about, or if they think that they actually know best.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The "Slight Edge"

The other day one of the fire nozzles in the roof of our office started leaking. Now we were worried because if one of those goes off, they all go off. We called in the trouble call and called a workman to come over and fix it. Now it was a drip about 1 to two drips a second and there was a slight mist around the nozzle. It didn't seem like much to my guys so they just got one of the small trash can's and put it under the leak. It took the workmen a few hours to get over to us and by the time they got there the trash can was overflowing all over the floor and we had to call out a carpet cleaner as well.

How does this relate to your business? It's the simple things you do consistently over time that create success in your business. (Like that drip from the ceiling)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are your friends the reason for your failure in MLM?

Having friends is great.  I have friends at work and here in the neighborhood.  I have gotten advice on a host of topics from every one of them and I have given my own advice to them.  One thing we never talk about though is Network Marketing.  It's not because I'm embarrassed.  They're not Network Marketers so they don't understand, and I definitely don't ask their advice about Network Marketing.

It's the same with being successful.