Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The answer is less than one ...

Think back on the last three programs you joined. On a scale of 1 to 10 how dependable were those who were in leadership? Were they there for you? Would they have been willing to help you even if you were not making them a dime? Think hard.

Time's up. I can almost bet what your number was. For most people it is usually less than one. Why is that? What is it about leaders in this industry who only want to help you when they know they will benefit first?
Marcello Lisi has some great insights that he discovered from Success In Ten Steps. This is one story you will not want to over look. To read his story, go to:

Success In Ten Steps offers so many additional insights that most training out there does not have to offer. Those who have read and applied the concepts are seeing changes in many areas of their lives. However, if you haven't read the eBook yet, I want to give you that link so you can download, print and read it today.

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