Starting off in a multi level marketing business opportunity isn't as easy as it sounds. It's a commitment. Have you ever gone into a successful Network Marketers office. Most of the things that you see hanging from the walls won't be anything to do with the business. They will be things that motivate them to keep it up. Why do you think that is.
To be successful you need to develop a multi level marketing plan. This will consist of your daily action steps that you will be your daily "to do" list for your business. You will be committing that time every day to the business for a long time, and trust me there will be days and sometimes weeks where you're tired of it.
Don't be conned into thinking that there is a multi level marketing business opportunity out there that is a no-brainer, and will make you a millionaire with no effort. The amount of time and effort you put toward your business is directly proportional to how successful you will be.
As far as training goes, if you want to be a sales man learn only the product and the compensation plan. If you want to be a marketer, learn the skills that will make you successful getting the word out that you have something to offer.
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