When you joined your Multilevel Marketing business opportunity did you read your Policies and Procedures. Most people that join an opportunity don't even know what it looks like let alone what it said. Your friend came over and gave you a presentation that sounded fool proof (by the way they didn't read them either). They were so excited, you were so excited. Everyone in the place was going crazy, it had to be legit. Well, don't blame your buddy, they were fed the same line that you were. Now take a deep breath and start into your policies and procedures.
Now your first clue that things aren't going well is the size of the document. Is it 3 or 4 pages, or is it 30 or 40 pages.
Look for the following words Terminate, Termination, Involuntary Termination, Ongoing, Ongoing Sponsoring, Recruiting, or Retail Sales. Does it have a yearly renewal clause. If you find this stuff in there it means you can never truly retire from this company.
Don't feel bad that you missed this simple step. Most people don't, and when they do find something the company will tell you: "They'll never use that clause, it's just what the lawyers made us put in there". YEAH RIGHT. If they weren't going to use it and they had the distributors in mind, it wouldn't be in there.
One of my mentor's Michael Dlouhy joined over 100 of these companies just so he could figure out what made some companies rise to the top and some crash and burn. He compared the companies top to bottom to learn the truth about Multilevel Marketing companies. He lays it all out in his free E-book "Success in 10 Steps" where he teaches you HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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