Who's in charge is probably one of the first things that you will hear when you are getting pitched on a multilevel marketing company. Take down the names of the corporate leadership and Google them with the word scam or fraud. See if there is anything that comes up. Ask if they have built any downlines of their own as a distributor. If the answer is no then they probably don't even understand that 80% of Network Marketers are part timers, working a full time job while trying to work the business. Most likely they didn't but they'll tell you how much money the COMPANY made, and how many millionaires were made.
(Did you know that these multilevel marketing companies will routinely pick several leaders and "give" them downlines, so they can be advertised as successes, even though they didn't even build their network.)
Do they mention the leadership taking companies public? When a company goes public who does the CEO now answer to? Is it the distributors that are building the business or is it the stock holders? When the stockholders want their stock to start earning more money what is the best way to make THE COMPANY more money? I'll give you a hint -- pay the distributor's less.
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