Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Learn the importance of critical thinking by raising a teenager.

If you've read my last several blog posts you've probably got a fairly good understanding of how to evaluate MLM business opportunities, and make a pretty thought out decision as to which one you want to be a part of.  The problem comes when someone, who maybe lacks a little integrity tries to pitch you.  This is where you need to develop some critical thinking skills.  That sounds all complicated and like some sort of term you'd get from a college course, but really it's simple.

You've gained some knowledge, now when someone tries to pitch you you get a little confused and start getting turned in circles just like an argument with a teenager.
I have a 17 year old son, who I am extremely proud of, but when we get into our arguments I have learned to develop a little critical thinking.  My kids a extremely smart, so they have developed some techniques to keep out of giving me the bad information.

First they won't tell me the whole story.  I am forced to question them which puts it on me to ask the right questions.  Here's where it gets hard.

I have been a teen before and I did even more learning as my daughter who is now on her own rolled through her teen years.  So armed with this knowledge I am already aware of the half story, half truth technique.  (critical thinking)  I also know that when I ask a broad question like "Did you lie to your brother and tell him that the dinner that mom made was spiders?"  That seems pretty pin pointed but what if he was talking to his younger sister and his brother overheard.  At this point his answer could be "No" So I'll need to also ask him if he even said, anything about his mom's cooking. (Now we're getting somewhere---critical thinking).

I could go on and on about CSI techniques and teens, but when you are getting pitched slow down and think about exactly what they said, and the several possible things that could mean.  Think of the 5 pillars and ask them direct questions about the pillars, if you aren't 100% sure they just answered your question and you think they just politician-ed you.  Ask the question more pointedly, and make sure you're getting the information that you need.

Chapter 9 of "Success in 10 Steps" goes over the 5 pillars and what you need to know to see through the smoke and mirrors.  Learn How to think not What to think.

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