This is the corporate headquarters of a popular Multilevel Marketing company. It's a beautiful multi-million dollar building with probably hundreds of employees ready to help you with your every need. They'll be there 24/7 to help you with orders, answer questions on the intricacies of the compensation plan, and they'll be happy to help you with your autoship.
How mush do you think it costs to pay those employees?
Think about this: What is their electric bill for heating and cooling the building, and running the computers and lights 24/7. How much do they pay for workers compensation, and matching their 401K. How much does it cost to mow the lawn, shampoo the carpets, and clean the bathrooms.
A customer service line is great, but if they automate in online how much extra money can they feed into the compensation plan. Most Multilevel Marketing companies brag about their huge corporate headquarters like somehow a big beautiful building will make you more money.
This may seem like getting down in the weeds, but the reality is you are joining to make the most money that you can. Why do you want to sell products to clean some corporate schmuck's bathroom.
A last point to make here is that most of these corporate headquarters are on prime real estate that costs a boat load of money, but what's worse they build their warehouses there as well. WHY? Could it be "Greed and EGO?"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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