Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to read a mind

How many times have you been burned? That's right. You thought you saw the light at the end of the tunnel, then BAM! Something turned it off. You found yourself holding the bag. Sound familiar?

What would have happened if you had the ability to properly analyze an opportunity before you decide to spend a dime?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Spotting MLM Cutthroats

At the bottom of page 11 of Success In 10 Steps, you see a reference to "greed and ego." That gives you another good point to make with your prospect.

Prospects don't come into this process thinking about "greed & ego". But if they have experience in MLM, there's a good chance they've already run into the problem. It's worthwhile pointing out that the greed & ego of sponsors and/or companies is one of the reasons so many prospects are never successful in network marketing.

Let them know how important it is to have their radar up and operating sensitively.

This doesn't mean you search for some Pollyanna who lives their life only for others. Putting yourself first is the natural order.

What it does mean is that you MUST avoid sponsors whose goal is to be successful no matter who they have to step on. You want someone who is determined to be successful by creating those win-win relationships with others.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Voodoo M-L-M Economics

You'll find "Voodoo MLM Economics" in the first section of "Success In 10 Steps". This is one of my favorite sections.

A few weeks ago, I was talking on the phone with one of my prospects who had downloaded the ebook. Prospects fall into one of two groups:

1. Already in a business & trying to figure out how to make it profitable.
2. Looking for a bus1ness to make profitable.

This lady was in group #1. And since I was on the line with her, she decided to reverse-recruit me. So she told me about her incredible company and their 98% retention rate.

Nobody ever left that company. Everybody stayed. Fascinating.

OK. You could give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was new and was just repeating what she had been told by her sponsor. But she was also telling me how wonderfully successful she was, too, so she probably doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

We know that in M-L-M, like any other business, most people aren't going to make it. Most people are going to leave. Most people are going to quit before they are successful. Most people don't commit themselves. Most people don't value spending time training themselves. Most people won't put in the time necessary to actually work their business.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The White Knight - Naked

Companies come and companies go. So do opportunities in life. 

How many times do you see your friends quietly slip out of your life when things appear to go south for you? 

They don't mean to do that sort of thing, they just have an internal fear it might rub off on them. So they slowly do a disappearing act and you are left alone, smack dab in the middle of some of the biggest challenges that life has thrown at you.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

In M-L-M, The Marketing Will Build Your Empire

Early in "Success In 10 Steps", you can read about "the monk in the white lab coat." I don't think it's just the people I've talked to recently. I can definitely remember when I used to think this way.

There are just a LOT of people who believe that far and away THE #1 reason to choose a network marketing company is the product. And even after talking with them a bit, it is a very tough idea to dislodge.

M-L-M companies must have a great product to compete in today's market. But it is effective marketing, not a product, that will either build an empire or not. Specifically, you should be searching for a group with an effective, results-producing marketing program in place. So it's important to give prospects as much evidence as you possibly can that product focus is not what will build them a great income from home.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Your Best M-L-M Prospects ...?

When you look to find new business partners in a cold market, you should ONLY ever focus on people actively looking to make money from home. It is a waste of your time to pursue anybody who has not recently demonstrated that desire.

OK. Let's divide "people who want to make money from home" into 2 categories:

1. Those who have experience in M-L-M.
2. Those who don't.

Friday, December 25, 2009

How to use the telephone

What does weight training have to do with Success In Ten Steps? 

If you have read the eBook, you may be asking this question yourself. How many times has someone told you that to have success, you have to get on the phone? 

But it's hard to pick up that "300-lb" barbell. However, what would happen if you had 30 to 50 friends who helped you lift it 4 days a week?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hannibal The Cannibal and Network Marketing

I know we've all, at one time or another, experienced a snake or two in the upline. But where else, other than early in "Success In 10 Steps", will you ever see Hannibal The Cannibal connected to network marketing?

The purpose of any headline or subhead is to force the reader to keep reading - to ensure that they cannot put your piece down. And that's how we get to the section, "Hannibal Lechter Missed His Calling."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you really want to get better?

What would you do if you were offered one million dollars to fight the heavyweight champ for one round of boxing? The conditions: you have to stay on your feet for the whole round to earn the money. How long would you last? 10 seconds, 20, 30?

If you are like most people, you would be flat on your back in less than 30 seconds. Remember, running away is not allowed. Many people find themselves beat up from this industry. They are down for the ten-count with no hope of getting up off the mat.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Law of the Garbage Truck

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?

Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant, you're probably set back on your heels. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly she/he can get back her/his focus on what's important.

Five years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a taxicab in Indianapolis. Here's what happened:

I hopped in a taxi and we took off for Indianapolis Airport. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And, I mean, he was friendly.

So, I said, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Questions Your Prospects Ask

It is key to make your network marketing business as duplicatable as possible. And the less you have to talk, the more duplicatable it gets. The ability to use the Success In 10 Steps ebook and just point to sections that answer certain questions or to sections that would be valuable to people makes your life a lot simpler.

The format of the ebook has been very successful. It's had over 107,000 downloads in the past 4 years. A lot of people have used STS to generate leads and build an MLM business. It is set up to make it easy for people to do network marketing. You don't have to be an expert at anything. You hardly even need to be able to answer any questions.

We know the 3 questions people most ask when they're looking for a business:

1. Is this something I can do?
2. Can I make money at it?
3. Can you help me?

For them to answer question #1 positively, the business has to be really simple. And it's important to show them that it's going to be simple for them to give this system to the people they bring into the business.

They may not be thinking that far ahead. But as soon as you point out to them that they have to be able to give THEIR prospects a simple system or their business will not duplicate, they know that is true.

On page 10 of STS, Michael Dlouhy talks about the 100 MLM companies that he joined. It's a good story that can answer several different questions.

Most of the people who download the STS ebook are people who have already been in network marketing, but who have struggled with the business. They're looking for answers. They don't know why they haven't been successful. They know it's not because somebody else is smarter than they are. They are frustrated.

So Michael joining 100 different MLM businesses to kind of get an idea of how the whole thing works resonates with them. It makes sense to do that. And it helps give your prospect some background that helps them see all the value they can possibly get from reading this ebook.

Page 10 is definitely one of the sections I would point out to prospects. Again, when you only need to point someone to a page in the book to answer their questions and gain credibility, it becomes obvious that this is a very easy business to do.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

M-L-M & Boy Scouts

I'll be sometime in your life you've read or heard the Boy Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What makes a leader?

How often have you had someone talk you into an opportunity and you found that there was no one there to give you guidance? Who's in charge here? Where are the leaders to help you understand what works and what doesn't work? If there are leaders, why are they having me do all their testing?

Leadership is a key element to success in any venture, organization, and government. The challenge is getting good leadership. However, while good leadership can get you started, you really want leadership who will take you by the hand and hang on with you until you are ready to leave the nest.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!

If that "heavy hitter guru" you're talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity.

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you'll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady's ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new M-L-M company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However - in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there's nothing particularly wrong with that. It's pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest.

That's how life works.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WD-40 On Your Steak?

Has anybody ever fooled you with a novelty T-bone steak? It looks exactly like the real deal. You're ready to dig in. But something here isn't exactly right -

Oh, yeah - it's plastic.

It seems like a lot of people use that plastic steak as a model for the relationships they build in order to sell their products. They are looking at this very short-term. They think what's important is the immediate sale.

But the fact is, what's important is the long-term relationship. What will help you achieve your dreams is building strong relationships with people who have similar dreams. Plastic relationships will not do that.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Daffodil Principle

Here's a story that I can't remember where I got it but it is a great and vivid example of the "slight edge".  I hope you enjoy it:

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. "I'll come next Tuesday," I promised, a little reluctantly, on her third call.
The next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I went. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren, I said, "Forget the daffodils, the road is invisible in the clouds and fog, and there's nothing in the world that I want to see bad enough to drive another inch!" My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading home." "Will you just go with me over to the garage to pick up my car," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this." After several minutes of driving, I had to ask, "Where are we going? This isn't the way to the garage!" We're going to my garage the long way," Carolyn smiled, "By way of the daffodils." "Please turn around," I said. "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You'll never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."
After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand-lettered sign that read, "Daffodil Garden." I got out of the car, took a child's hand, and followed Carolyn down the path. Then, we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns - great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon, pink, saffron, and bright yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted as a group so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its' own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Be sure to use critical thinking when choosing your online MLM training source

I like to check out a other online MLM training sources on the internet other than Mentoring for free sometimes just to see what they are saying.  Most of these other training sites have great training on their ideas for advertising.  Some will talk Google adwords, articles, blogs, squidoo, etc.  They do alright at teaching you these types of marketing, but they all seem to push you in one direction that they think is the best.  I'm not sure if that one way of marketing is all they really know about, or if they think that they actually know best.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The "Slight Edge"

The other day one of the fire nozzles in the roof of our office started leaking. Now we were worried because if one of those goes off, they all go off. We called in the trouble call and called a workman to come over and fix it. Now it was a drip about 1 to two drips a second and there was a slight mist around the nozzle. It didn't seem like much to my guys so they just got one of the small trash can's and put it under the leak. It took the workmen a few hours to get over to us and by the time they got there the trash can was overflowing all over the floor and we had to call out a carpet cleaner as well.

How does this relate to your business? It's the simple things you do consistently over time that create success in your business. (Like that drip from the ceiling)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are your friends the reason for your failure in MLM?

Having friends is great.  I have friends at work and here in the neighborhood.  I have gotten advice on a host of topics from every one of them and I have given my own advice to them.  One thing we never talk about though is Network Marketing.  It's not because I'm embarrassed.  They're not Network Marketers so they don't understand, and I definitely don't ask their advice about Network Marketing.

It's the same with being successful.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Learn the importance of critical thinking by raising a teenager.

If you've read my last several blog posts you've probably got a fairly good understanding of how to evaluate MLM business opportunities, and make a pretty thought out decision as to which one you want to be a part of.  The problem comes when someone, who maybe lacks a little integrity tries to pitch you.  This is where you need to develop some critical thinking skills.  That sounds all complicated and like some sort of term you'd get from a college course, but really it's simple.

You've gained some knowledge, now when someone tries to pitch you you get a little confused and start getting turned in circles just like an argument with a teenager.

What is the best MLM lead source that can give you pre qualified MLM leads?

I guess the first question you should ask yourself is what is a pre qualified MLM lead?  Who are the people that you want in your business?  The second question you should ask after you have figured out who you want is:  What is the best MLM lead source that can get me those people?

Before we answer those questions, you should know that I NEVER buy leads anymore.  They're junk.  They're used up lists of people that either never went anywhere in the MLM business opportunity that they were in or they are the end of the list of those that never got in.  Once in a while you'll find one that got in and did pretty good but that was a long time ago and things are a lot different today in the Network Marketing world. Let me tell you a little story.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How duplicatable is your MultiLevel Marketing business opportunity?

It is key to make your Multilevel marketing business opportunity as duplicatable as possible.  And the less you have to talk, the more duplicatable it gets.  The ability to use the Success In 10 Steps ebook and just point to sections that answer certain questions or to sections that would be valuable to people makes your life a lot simpler.
The format of the ebook has been very successful. It's had over 107,000 downloads in the past 4 years. A lot of people have used STS to generate leads and build an Multilevel marketing business. It is set up to make it easy for people to do network marketing. You don't have to be an expert at anything. You hardly even need to be able to answer any questions.

We know the 3 questions people most ask when they're looking for a business:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Do you have a system and is it duplicatable?

Gone are the days that you could just call all of your friends and family, and start walking the streets peddling your Multilevel Marketing business opportunity.  Today you must leverage the internet, or you will not be able to duplicate what you do with your down line.  You need to have a system that gives you targeted leads, and a system to introduce them to your opportunity.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Am I in the best compensation plan?

It's really interesting how compensation plan's work.  All of them sound good during the presentation and of course they would.  The guy giving you the presentation has been snowed too.  Not saying that they are all bad but there is a broad spectrum from plans that completely DO NOT work and those that are awesome.

Friday, September 25, 2009

How great is your product......and is it affordable.

There's a fine line to ride here because you want a good profit margin but you don't want an overinflated price on your product either.  If people can go to the store and buy a comparable product for less, even if it's a little inferior, they will.  Do people want what you have?

It's not a cardinal sin but also think hard about Multilevel Marketing companies with only one product.  Obviously, if there is only one product people's autoship isn't going to change a whole lot and those that are only product consumers don't have a whole lot to choose from so your target market is a little tight.

Remember your profit should be made off of the product sales.  Do you earn a lot of your bonus money from new recruits? ........ Be careful.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Timing is everything.

Getting into a Multilevel marketing business opportunity at the very beginning is really exciting.  There's hardly anyone signed up and everyone will be going under you. Man, can you believe your luck.  They'll tell you things like "What if you were there day one when one of the big name MLM's started.

There's something they won't tell you though, 99.9% of new start ups fail within the first two years.  So now where are you.  A big downline that is looking at you as the one that screwed them all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do you understand EVERYTHING in your Multilevel Marketing business opportunity's Policies and Procedures

     When you joined your Multilevel Marketing business opportunity did you read your Policies and Procedures.  Most people that join an opportunity don't even know what it looks like let alone what it said.  Your friend came over and gave you a presentation that sounded fool proof (by the way they didn't read them either).  They were so excited, you were so excited.  Everyone in the place was going crazy, it had to be legit.  Well, don't blame your buddy, they were fed the same line that you were.  Now take a deep breath and start into your policies and procedures.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How much overhead does your Mulilevel Marketing company need to cover?

This is the corporate headquarters of a popular Multilevel Marketing company.  It's a beautiful multi-million dollar building with probably hundreds of employees ready to help you with your every need.  They'll be there 24/7 to help you with orders, answer questions on the intricacies of the compensation plan, and they'll be happy to help you with your autoship.

How mush do you think it costs to pay those employees?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Check the Corporate leadership of the multilevel marketing company.

Who's in charge is probably one of the first things that you will hear when you are getting pitched on a multilevel marketing company. Take down the names of the corporate leadership and Google them with the word scam or fraud. See if there is anything that comes up. Ask if they have built any downlines of their own as a distributor. If the answer is no then they probably don't even understand that 80% of Network Marketers are part timers, working a full time job while trying to work the business. Most likely they didn't but they'll tell you how much money the COMPANY made, and how many millionaires were made.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are you ready for a multi level marketing business opportunity.

     So you've seen the plan for another multi level marketing business opportunity.  The plan looks solid and you've been assured that it's easy, and you'll make a boat load of money.  All you have to do is pay the signup fee, schedule your autoship and you're off and running with your list of friends and family.  Training is every Tuesday where you'll learn the intricacies of the compensation plan and the benefits of the product.  How could you fail?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Choosing the company you work for that works for you

Here at “Mentoring for FREE” we talk a lot about the 5 pillars. I think there is a misconception about the meaning of some of the pillars so I wanted to briefly go over them.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The answer is less than one ...

Think back on the last three programs you joined. On a scale of 1 to 10 how dependable were those who were in leadership? Were they there for you? Would they have been willing to help you even if you were not making them a dime? Think hard.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What causes "overnight success" ?

Have you ever started a job or gone into a new profession without being trained? Did you go down to your local discount store and order a kit to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer? Of course not - to enter those professions, you need specialized knowledge.

Still the best thing out there.

I know I've talked about this book before but I just got finished reading it again, and every time I do I get more out of it. This book has literally changed my life and I just had to share. It is 100% true that your failure in Network Marketing is not your fault. Most people in "opportunities" were doomed to failure from the beginning. You have to be educated before you jump in and start working your business. The landscape has changed dramatically over the years and you owe it to yourself to read this book and decide for yourself.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sending Money to Gurus

How many gurus are there out there who want you to get coaching from them. You know the ones that charge you all your savings and then promise to show you how to have success. You have to put up the money up front if you want to gain access to the inner circle and secrets to help you develop a system that will allow you to have duplication.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A time for everything

I took the kids out to dinner and a movie the other night. We went to Golden Corral, the kids love the buffet stuff and they have an ice cream bar that I think is the real draw. We then went to the Theater and watched the new Harry Potter movie. It was a really good time.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Check out the squid.

Just thought I'd go ahead and post about our Squidoo Lens. This lens is kind of our personal journey in Network Marketing. It will change and Morph as we go along so keep checking back we'll be posting often. Here is the Link.

Feel Free to have fun and post over there too. Thanks everyone.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Who the heck am I to think I can be rich!!!

Negative self talk. We are programmed from birth that money is evil and the rich are snob. We don't want to be rich because then we'd be part of that crowd. I was on a training call today with Michael Dlouhy, talking about chapter 4 of the Napoleon Hill book "Think and Grow Rich". You know it's amazing what we will allow our sub-conscious to control. The one part of our mind that is non-thinking we let run our life. We watch movies and cry when the hero dies, knowing that it was just an actor in a totally made up story. Why?? Crying at a movie isn't a bad thing, but letting our sub-conscious defeat us before we ever begin, is.
The interesting thing is our conscious mind controls our sub-conscious, so why do we have so much trouble influencing our sub-conscious? It's simple, we've been doing it to ourselves for years. It will take positive self talk on a daily basis to change our habits. You need to create a positive statement like "I will create a Network Marketing business that generates X amount of dollars, and I will build it with the highest retention ever through training and education." Make you mind believe it. If the dollar amount is too high that you can't conceive doing it lower the dollar amount and when you get there, up it.
Once you get the statement to resonate say it constantly in your mind. You must realize that you are worthy of having more and you deserve it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Great Training for Anyone in Network Marketing.

If you do nothing else read this book. I just finished reading "Success in 10 Steps", by Michael Dlouhy. Now before you say it's a scam, I don't just throw out junk information, never have. Most Network Marketers get into the business and they are trained to be salesmen/women of the product, and try to convince people that the compensation is great and you'll retire in 3 months. It's all Crap. We are not selling a product or a business we are selling ourselves and what we bring to the table. Man it drives me nuts when people throw their opportunity at me without even introducing themselves at least. Here's a little secret:




What people are really concerned about is will you be there to help them, will you be a mentor.
Ninety Nine percent of all Network Marketing companies will sign you up and give you a crappy power point and a link to spend thousands on other advertising material. They then proceed to "Train" you (Which consists of the compensation plan, and maybe some information on the product). That is not what people care about, or at least it's not on the top of their list. What were you taught about Networking or Marketing from your company that was free. If it wasn't free it's just another way for them to juice you for money. If they're really concerned about your success it will be free or dirt cheap.

People want to know that you will be there and that you know what you are talking about. Be a mentor and your signup's will increase and your retention will sky rocket. I encourage you to read this book. It's free and it will really open your eyes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Facebook Training

If you've ever wondered how to use Social Networking in your business. Listen to this:

It's a start!!!

Hey everyone this is the blog of Kenneth Domke, Network Marketer. I'll try not to mention any names of opportunities, but if I do it's purely accidental and just concentrate on the training. Networking is not an easy business but the work you put into is rewarded much greater than traditional jobs. Where people fail is understanding the timeline. A friend of mine Cody Lytle gave me a little riddle to help people understand Networking. Here it is:

If you had a jar and put a marble in it and doubled it every second and it took 60 seconds to fill the jar, how many seconds did it take to fill it half way up?

Think about it a little bit. When you get the answer, you will understand Network Marketing.